Chest Pain Center Speeds Diagnosis & Treatment for Heart Attack Patients

If you believe you are having a heart attack, CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY for transport. Do NOT drive to the hospital. EMS staff will begin treatment as soon as they arrive.

With a heart attack, time is of the essence. Failing to quickly re-establish adequate blood flow results in permanent damage to the heart. For this reason, every chest pain must be taken seriously.

From the Midlands to the Coast, McLeod offers a dedicated full-spectrum emergency cardiac care program to evaluate your situation before it gets worse and, in many cases, prevent a severe heart attack. The McLeod Chest Pain Center located within the Emergency Department in Florence, SC is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week by experienced health care professionals, who are especially trained in recognizing and treating a heart attack. The Chest Pain Center treats patients just a few paces away from McLeod’s state-of-the-art interventional technology and diagnostics, as well as heart catheterization labs and premier open heart surgery suites.


  • Hands-Only CPR Can Save Lives

    Cardiac arrests are more common than you think, and they can happen to anyone at any time. Statistically speaking, if called on to administer CPR in an emergency, the life you save is likely to be someone at home: a child, a spouse, a parent or a friend. Watch the video to the left to see how to properly perform Hands-Only CPR. Click here for more information.

  • Call 911 For Emergencies

    Watch the video to the left for important information on calling 911 in case of emergencies.

  • Informative Videos About When to Call 911

    Watch our informative video series on when to call 911 for symptoms of various heart conditions. Click Here to view.

  • A Patient’s Story

    Watch Gloria Lucas’s story and learn more about her experience with the McLeod Chest Pain Center.