McLeod Family Medicine Residency
Welcomes Your Application

Each year, the McLeod Family Medicine Residency Program receives more than 800 applications and typically offers interviews to 60 or 70 of the most qualified applicants. Our program draws residents from all areas of the United States. We welcome applications from allopathic and osteopathic medical schools.

Your Interest in Our Program Excites Us

To apply, complete the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) application (paper applications will not be accepted). We do not have a supplemental application to the ERAS application.

  • The deadline for applying for the Academic Year is December 31.
  • We prefer applicants who have graduated within the past two years.
  • We encourage 4th-year Acting Internship rotations.

All supporting documents should be directed to the Electronic Residency Application Service. Supporting documents for the ERAS application should include:

  • Personal statement
  • Three letters of recommendation from persons familiar with your clinical performance, especially family physicians
  • Transcript and Dean’s letter of reference
  • USMLE/COMLEX scores
Our Interview Process Awaits You

After we receive your ERAS application, we’ll notify you by email or letter to schedule an interview.

  • Applicants will be interviewed by faculty members and residents.
  • Applicants will be given a tour of the facilities.
  • The residency coordinator will arrange an informal dinner with residents the evening before the interview.
  • Hotel accommodations will be made by the residency coordinator.
  • Spouses/significant others are encouraged to accompany applicants.
  • A tour of the community will be given during the interview day.

View Core Family Medicine Residency Employment Agreement and Rural Family Medicine Residency Agreement.