McLeod Sports Medicine Teams Up with Circle Park Behavioral Health

26 APRIL 2023

On Friday, April 21, Circle Park Behavioral Health provided 36 units of nasal naloxone to McLeod Sports Medicine for use by their Athletic Trainers. Each unit contains two doses of the life-saving drug, also known as Narcan, which quickly reverses the effects of an opioid overdose. The naloxone works by restoring breathing and blocking the effects of opiates on the brain.

This partnership began when Mike Rice, McLeod Sports Medicine Athletic Training Coordinator and EMT with Marion County EMS, reached out to Alicia Briston, Prevention Specialist with Circle Park Behavioral Health in Florence.

“As a Community Distributor, Circle Park provides nasal naloxone to the public that we receive through a grant from the South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services (DAODAS). Opioid overdoses are, unfortunately, very prevalent in our community, so providing Narcan to the McLeod Sports Medicine Athletic Trainers was a perfect fit because of their reach and impact in local schools and at athletic events,” states Briston.

Briston also provided Narcan training to the McLeod Sports Medicine Athletic Trainers during their monthly staff meeting on Thursday, April 20. Since 2020, nasal naloxone administration has been included in accredited athletic training program curriculums nationwide.

Athletic Trainers function as first responders at practices and games, so they are often involved in emergency or life-saving care not just for students, but for spectators and coaches as well.

“Our team receives training every year on a wide range of medical emergencies that may occur at these events, including heat stroke, CPR administration, AED use, equipment removal, sports injuries and more, so thanks to Circle Park, we can now add naloxone administration to that list,” states Rice.

“Circle Park has unique resources for our community, and because McLeod Sports Medicine provides athletic training services to more than 31 local schools, we have a unique reach. We are grateful to Circle Park and look forward to a continued partnership,” he adds.

For more information on nasal naloxone and to request training for your school, business, church or organization, please visit or call (843) 665-9349.

To learn more about McLeod Sports Medicine and the Athletic Training team, please visit

Photo caption:
Alicia Briston, Prevention Specialist with Circle Park Behavioral Health, center, is pictured with McLeod Sports Medicine Athletic Trainers Adam Ploeg, Mike Rice, Joe Cauble and Maria Player.