McLeod Children’s Hospital Unveils Renovated Treatment Room


A visit to the McLeod Children’s Hospital treatment room can be one of the most stressful parts of a child’s – and their family’s – hospital stay. This is where common procedures such as IV placement, catheters, blood draws and lumbar punctures are performed. To reduce anxiety and enhance the hospital experience for patients and families alike, the Children’s Hospital team recently unveiled a renovated treatment room funded by the McLeod Health Foundation.

One of the features is a large, comfortable treatment chair that allows children to sit up for a procedure, thereby reducing fear, and also allows parents to participate in the procedure with the child instead of having to watch. Lights have also been put on a dimmer switch to adjust brightness for nursing staff doing procedures or children who need a calmer environment. Medical equipment that could look scary is hidden away, and an AccuVein device makes IV placement much easier for both nurses and patients.

Additional features include:

  • A custom mural painted by local artist Adrian Smith with interactive elements including a “Find-It” game
  • A Pixel Pro interactive wall panel that creates a fireworks display with the child’s favorite colors
  • Buzzy Bee vibrating icepacks and freeze spray to reduce the pain of needle sticks
  • iPad that can show the child’s favorite movies or games for distraction
  • Light spinners, I Spy books and bubbles for distraction.

Caption: McLeod Children’s Hospital patient Connor Lee plays with the Pixel Pro interactive panel during a procedure in the newly renovated treatment room.