Medically Reviewed by Eric Heimberger, MD
Today’s total knee joint replacement patient is helped to get back on their feet and start physical rehabilitation the same day of surgery. Dr. Eric Heimberger offers an overview of this common surgical procedure.
Key points from the video:
- All knee replacements are very much the same. Metal implants are placed on the end of each bone with a plastic piece in between.
- Surgery should eliminate the arthritis, related pain and instability when the patient walks.
- The procedure takes about an hour.
- The average hospital stay is 2 days.
- The patient is up the same day as surgery walking on the knee with no brace.
- Physical therapy starts the same day as the surgery. Most people need 6 to 8 weeks of therapy.
Here are some other helpful articles:
Getting back to life – and work – after Joint Replacement.
Total Joint Replacement – “Bring it On!” say the Boomers!
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