Special Giving Opportunities in Care of Hospice

The mission of McLeod Hospice is to provide compassionate care and support for terminally ill patients and their families. Ongoing support from a generous community of donors enables McLeod Hospice, one of the only non-profit Hospices in the region, to provide this specialized care. If McLeod Hospice has touched you, your family or friends, there are several ways you can help. See below options.

All gifts of support are graciously welcomed and may be made in honor or memory of a loved one.

  • A Light For Someone You Love – Annual Tree Lighting Event

    Since 1986 McLeod Hospice has set aside a special time of remembrance for families, staff, volunteers and other supporters of our program with the “A Light for Someone You Love” Tree Lighting Ceremonies. These events which are held in early December offer an opportunity for McLeod Hospice supporters to provide their annual gift to ensure continued care for patients and families.


    Tree Sponsorships at $1,000
    Tree Sponsorships include a plaque which is displayed in front of the Medical Center during the holidays and an inscription which is shared as part of the ceremony.

    Individual lights for $25 each.

    Make a Donation now. For more information, contact lsnipes@mcleodhealth.org  or call 843-777-2694


  • Special Joy Comes from Contributing to the McLeod Tree Lighting

    Kaye & Julius Parris on contributing to McLeod Tree Lighting – “Kaye and I have been contributing to the McLeod Tree Lighting, since its inception. It is an event that we look forward to each year. The evening is one of magic as the night burst into light, the music rises and the many candles reflect the faces of smiles, tears, deep thoughts and loving memories. As we grow older and realize that one day, we will no longer be able to participate, it makes us happy that we can be a part of the wonderment, even after we are gone by way of an endowment. We wish to help insure that young and old can continue to look forward to that evening when so many gather to remember love ones.” For more information, contact lsnipes@mcleodhealth.org  or call 843-777-2694

  • Lasting Memorials

    Donors may wish to make a significant financial donation that will be acknowledged on the Recognition Wall located in the Living Room of the Hospice House or in the Sensory Garden.



    Founder Level $1,000 – $2,499 – Includes the listing of the donor’s name only.

    Patron Level $2,500 – $4,999 – Includes memorials & honorariums listed along with donor’s name.

    Benefactor Level $5,000 and above – Benefactor level includes memorials and honorariums listed along with the donor’s name.

  • Naming Opportunities

    Naming opportunities are available in the Hospice House and the Sensory Garden beginning at $5,000 and include a plaque with a personal inscription.