McLeod Safe Kids Pee Dee/Coastal Provides Safety Tips During Poison Prevention Month


McLeod Safe Kids Pee Dee/Coastal reminds families to take caution during Poison Prevention Month (March) as well as year-round. Becoming aware of potential poison hazards can help prevent future accidents.

Safety Tips

Test homes built before 1978 for lead-based paint. If lead hazards are identified, test your child for lead exposure and hire a professional to control and remove lead sources safely.

Make sure your child does not have access to peeling paint or chewable surfaces painted with lead-based paint.

Frequently wash your child’s hands, face, toys and pacifiers to reduce the risk of your child coming into contact with lead or lead-contaminated dust.

Take the recommended steps to eliminate any sources of lead in recalled consumer products such as toys or cookware, and check the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission website at to obtain information on product recalls

For more information on preventing childhood injury, please call McLeod Safe Kids Pee Dee/Coastal at (843) 777-5021 to speak to an Injury Prevention Specialist or visit

McLeod Safe Kids Pee Dee/Coastal works to prevent accidental childhood injury, the leading cause of death in children 14 and under. McLeod Safe Kids Pee Dee/Coastal is a member of Safe Kids Worldwide, a global network of organizations dedicated to preventing accidental injury. McLeod Safe Kids Pee Dee/Coastal is funded in part by the McLeod Health Foundation.