38th Annual McLeod Hospice Tree Lighting Ceremony Announced


McLeod Hospice will celebrate the 38th Annual “A Light for Someone You Love” Tree Lighting Ceremony on Thursday, December 7, at 5:45 p.m. The ceremony, presented by Signature Wealth Strategies, will be held at McLeod Regional Medical Center adjacent to the McLeod Center for Cancer Treatment and Research.

During the ceremony, the family of Helen Thomas Owen will light the trees that represent all of the families who have been served this year by McLeod Hospice. Masterworks Children’s Choir will also perform and Pastor Henry Dixon with Elijah United Methodist Church in Kingstree will offer the closing prayer.

Lights are available with gifts to McLeod Hospice of $25 each. Sponsorships are also available for $1,000 in honor of or memory of an individual. One hundred percent of each gift is tax-deductible. Please call the McLeod Foundation if you are interested in a sponsorship. Individuals, groups, and organizations are encouraged to participate by supporting McLeod Hospice in this meaningful way.

“The Light for Someone You Love” program is sponsored by the McLeod Health Foundation to directly fund items needed for the McLeod Hospice House, to help patients remain comfortable in their homes, and to provide bereavement care for families being served.

McLeod Hospice serves patients in Florence, Darlington, Dillon, Chesterfield, Marlboro, Horry, Lee, Sumter, Marion, Clarendon, and Williamsburg counties.

While the lighted trees will brighten the community this season, the gifts they represent will help bring the light of hope to McLeod Hospice patients and their families.

For more information on the McLeod Hospice Tree Lighting Ceremony, please call (843) 777-2694. Gifts to the McLeod Hospice Tree Lighting can also be made by visiting McLeod Foundation Tree Lighting.